, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Cruise - Holidays: Oasis of the Seas: New Updates 2019 Amplification (Before and After)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Oasis of the Seas: New Updates 2019 Amplification (Before and After)

We has taken a similar ship, Oasis of the Sea seven years ago to celebrate the 80th birthday of Debra’s mother.  Our 3 daughters, our oldest daughter’s husband and their 2 kids, Debra’s two brothers and their spouses as well as Debra’s sister and her husband all went for the cruise of the Caribbean.  In addition, Debra’s aunt and her mother’s care giver who looked after her also joined us.  We had a great time.  Debra’s mother is now gone.  We had also done 2 more cruises when Debra’s father was alive and healthy.  Time just drifted by quickly.  They are now memories.

I have omitted 2 more persons.  Our son-in-law’s parents also joined us.  We had 17 people all together.  The cruise company set up a large table for our daily dinner.


In 2018  we took Oasis of the Sea for a family gathering too.   Fond memories.


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